neutropenia, monoclonals, stem cells, receptors, her2, fsh, papillary, psa, hematopoietic, epithelial, ionizing, lymphatic, oncogene, platelets, metastatic, staging, hematuria, apheresis, thrombocytopenia, infusion, ductal, germ cell, pluripotent, fibroid, nodules, mass, p.e.t., c.t., mri.. ARGH!
On the lighter side, here's a look at some of the really strange terms:
- Flush - (do it to an I.V., not a commode!)
- Void - (huh? oh..urinate!)
- Power Port - (where Superman lands? no, a 'permanent' access under the skin for labwork & chemo)
- Emesis - (Superman's arch enemy? ..actually, it's throwing up)
- Code - (something geeks write? nope. a cardiac or respiratory arrest)
- S.O.B. - (an insult?? hahaha, it's shortness of breath)
Hopefully, you'll never have to learn this language.
As always, thanks so much for your support & compassion,